Warm core low may produce an intense windstorm on Sardinia – October 29, 2018
Model guidance is converging on the formation of an intense low over the western Mediterranean tomorrow, rapidly moving into Sardinia. It will quickly deepen to …
Model guidance is converging on the formation of an intense low over the western Mediterranean tomorrow, rapidly moving into Sardinia. It will quickly deepen to …
The weather pattern across Europe this week is exceedingly supportive for extreme regional warming across northern Europe and the Arctic region. Temperatures will be 10-15 …
Predominant zonal flow and a deep low bring torrential rainfall and snowfall at higher elevations to western Norway over the next 3-4 days. Models currently …
The British Isles and Ireland are in for a lot of windy weather and locally quite a fair amount of rain this week, as no …
The cyclone associated with the trough and frontal system passing across western and central Europe today will also produce unseasonally strong non-convective winds in BeneLux, …
Cyclone Hugo will affect parts of Spain and Portugal tonight and tomorrow morning with winds gusting locally above 120-140 km/h. Cyclone Hugo as seen by …
A deep cyclone is expected to develop in the Bay of Biscay tomorrow, March 23. The system will be over open sea while at its …
The western Alps may be in for another round of excessive snowfall next week. Latest GFS model guidance suggests a favourable pattern with a deep …