Week 09 of 2020 (Feb 24th – March 1st) – the highest number of votes received.
1st place – WINNER: Peter Siegfried von Söhnen – 524 votes
“Northern Germany,today (01.03.2020.)” by Peter Siegfried von Söhnen
2nd place: Gregor Vojščak – 388 votes
“Nice view on newly developed updraft tower from small and weakly organised storm over our capital city Ljubljana on May 2nd 2012. Nice crispy convection and nicely illuminated rain shaft.” by Gregor Vojščak
3rd place: Marko Korošec – 367 votes
“The true definition of epicness. A majestic spaceship supercell near Vega, Texas back in May (21st) 2012.” by Marko Korošec
4th place: Brad Hannon – 290 votes
“Here is the extraordinary Trangie supercell in all its wide angle glory as the wall cloud spins, funnels dance, dust columns rise and the sounds of howling wind and breaking trees become overwhelming.Trangie, Australia – Feb 18th 2020” by Brad Hannon
5th place: Devid Raziel Penguti – 282 votes
“Mammatus and Rainbow,Polesine, Italy, 03.05.2019” by Devid Raziel Penguti
6th place: Marcel Heide – 222 votes
“Today, near Berlin (01.03.2020.)” by Marcel Heide
7th place: Alfonso Zuccalà – 192 votes
“February 27, 2020. Moon / Venus conjunction, old town of Gallipoli. Ionian coast, southern Italy.” by Alfonso Zuccalà
8th place: Mandie Hamlin – 180 votes
“Waterspout off Valencia September 2018” by Mandie Hamlin
9th place: Giovanna Silvano – 155 votes
“Lightnings on Capri,2018 October” by Giovanna Silvano
10th place: Stavros Kesedakis – 131 votes
“Double trouble”
Hey captain do we have to go through these spouts? Yes we do…lol
twin waterspouts off of Rhodes island Greece back in 2017….
handheld shot right before sunrise with poor visibility…” by Stavros Kesedakis
See SWE Photography Contest results from the previous weeks: