As we were concerned in the mesoscale discussion over the weekend, a Rex block pattern over Europe resulted in a trapped deep upper low – cyclone #Gloria – over the Iberian peninsula. The associated surface low developed over Spain and the western Mediterranean, lead to an extreme amount of rainfall. Combined with major storm surge, the situation resulted destructive flooding.
With the arrival of the cold mid-levels over the warmer western Mediterranean sea, widespread storm activity has developed as well. Convective lines with training cells were bringing intense and excessive rainfall into the ENE Spain, especially into Valencia and Catalonia region’s coastal areas.
During the first stage of the developing surface cyclone, a strong pressure gradient established an intense windstorm along the coast of Valencia, eastern Spain. Severe to locally extremely severe winds over the broad area resulted in significant sea waves and flooding due to storm surge.
¡Temporal marítimo histórico asociado a la #BorrascaGloria! Olas de más de 6 metros en la #CostaBlanca. Esta mañana (20/01/2020), en #Calpe (#Alicante). @spainsevere @severeweatherEU. Vídeo: @_joanlopez.
— MeteOrihuela (@MeteOrihuela) January 20, 2020
¡Impresionante! Quizás sea una de las imágenes que más se recuerden en este #TemporalDeLevante asociado a la #BorrascaGloria. Esta mañana (21/01/2020), la alta agitación del mar ha provocado que la espuma del mar penetre en #TossaDeMar (#Girona). Vídeo: @silviaragolta.
— MeteOrihuela (@MeteOrihuela) January 21, 2020
¡Cuantiosos daños materiales a causa del #viento y el #oleaje asociado a la #BorrascaGloria! Esta mañana (20/01/2020), en el Paseo Marítimo de #Torrevieja (#Alicante). @AEMET_Esp @AEMET_SINOBAS @TiempoCom. Vídeo: @TorreviejaRad.
— MeteOrihuela (@MeteOrihuela) January 20, 2020
Major flooding event was caused by both major storm surge (from severe winds) and excessive rainfall amount. Some areas received more than 300 mm of rain within the 48-hour period. Attached are the reports of both ground and aerial views of widespread flooding:
🔴 Primeres imatges de la zona dels càmpings després de la #BorrascaGlòria #Temporalgloria
— Ona Malgrat (@OnaMalgrat) January 23, 2020
Imatges de la desembocadura del riu Tordera entre #MalgratdeMar i #Blanes obtingudes pel Grup de Suport Aeri dels #AgentsRurals
— Agents Rurals (@agentsruralscat) January 22, 2020
Imatges de l'estat actual del Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre captades pel Grup de Suport Aeri dels #AgentsRurals .
Amb el vol del dron podem observar l'estat actual de l' #IlladeBuda .#INUNCAT— Agents Rurals (@agentsruralscat) January 22, 2020
Amb l'ajuda de la Unitat RPAS del Grup de Suport Aeri #AgentsRurals localitzem una persona que havia quedat aïllada en una barraca de la zona afectada per la inundació al paratge del Pla de Grau, a #MalgratdeMar .
Activem @bomberscat per al rescat.#INUNCAT— Agents Rurals (@agentsruralscat) January 22, 2020
Els ponts d’en Pitxota, per on passen els trens, i el de la carretera que connecta Malgrat amb Blanes, s’han enfonsat amb la crescuda de La Tordera
MOLTA PRECAUCIÓ ‼️‼️‼️#malgratdemar #Temporalgloria
— Aj de Malgrat de Mar (@ajmalgrat) January 22, 2020
Storm Gloria caused a storm surge that has ravaged the Ebro delta up to 3 km inland, resulting in severe damage to the rice paddies
Attached is before and after satellite image of a widespread flood on Jan 22nd:
Storm #Gloria has caused a storm sturge that has ravaged the Ebro delta up to 3 km inland, resulting in severe damage to the rice paddies
Before/after comparison using a #Sentinel1 🇪🇺🛰 radar image acquired yesterday 22 January@astro_duque @mapagob @el_pais @europapress— Copernicus EMS (@CopernicusEMS) January 22, 2020
A huge amount of snow has accumulated across the eastern Pyrenees, as strong and persisting orographic snowfall was occurring. The highest mountains received more than 150 cm of snow, significantly enhancing avalanche danger.
See also – initial mesoscale discussion: