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Get ready: here comes the Perseid meteor shower!

Finding the right observing location

This is the most important consideration – finding the right place to observe. You need to find dark skies. The darker the sky, the more meteors you will be able to see. Bright urban skies hide most meteors. You need to get away from urban light pollution. Not only from direct sight of bright street lights, but as far away from urban areas as possible. Light travels far and so does light pollution: while you may be out of sight of street lights if you make a short drive from your town, the sky will likely still glow orange-white from light pollution. Go as far from light pollution sources as possible. Use the map below to find as dark sky as possible.

Light pollution map of Europe. Find it here. This tool will help you find the darkest skies in your vicinity.

If the sky is so bright that you cannot see the Milky Way, your site is not good for observing the Perseids. Find a site where the Milky Way is visible. The more, the better. A rural location, far from urban lights will be fine. A location higher in the hills or mountains will be even better, as part of the light pollution scattering humid airmass will be below you and the sky will be darker. Bottom line: the darker the sky, the better.

But even if you are not near pristinely dark skies – find the best skies in your driving range and enjoy the meteor shower!

Next: But wait, there is more!