The WINNER among the 44 entries in Week 15: Todd Calhoon.
1. place – WINNER: Todd Calhoon – 235 votes
“This was from my very first storm chase, June 9, 2013, at Oronogo, Missouri.”
2. place: Devid Raziel Penguti – 185 votes
“Storming Sunset Polesine, 02.07.2014”
2. place: Frank Olsen – 185 votes
“Beam me up, Scotty!
Rocket launch seen from Andenes.
It was quite a show a few days ago, when Andøya Space Center launched a rocket into space, releasing some chemicals into the atmosphere. It created some awesome light phenomena combined with the northern lights. This rocket has been planned for more than a year. And how lucky we were to be there at the right time.”
3. place: Martin Popek – 156 votes
“Lightning over the Beskydy mountains (21.7.17).”
4. place: Guilherme Silva Photography – 150 votes
“A magnificent thunderstorm which produced lots of cloud-to-ground lightning and some of the best skies I’ve ever seen filled with asperitas clouds.
June 13, 2017 in Braga, Portugal”
5. place: Andreas Feichtmeier – 147 votes
“May 21th 2016 massive supercell near Leoti, Kansas. Grüße/Greetings Andreas Feichtmeier.
My FB page:“
6. place: Sid Smith – 107 votes
“Grapeland Texas tornado warned supercell 4-6-19”
7. place: Csaba Wolf – 75 votes
“Lightning over János Hill with hard rainfall from Budapest, Hungary. (09. April, 2019.)”
8. place: Otto Zachař – 73 votes
“Back side supercell 2017 with Hail core”
9. place: Tóth Gábor Gyula – 66 votes
“A surreal season opening :)
2014.04.01, Szeged, Hungary”
9. place: Alain Berkhuizen – 66 votes
“Very low-based and tornado warned Wallcoud @ Douglas, Eastern Texas
Provided by Dutch chasers!”
10. place: Fabio Carnevale – 65 votes
“Ostia Lido (Rome) 10/04/2019”
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