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Week 06-2019 (Feb 4th – Feb 10th) Contest Winners

Please read the Contest participation guides and Rules here.

Week 06 of 2019 (Feb 4th – Feb 10th) – the highest number of votes received.

1st place – WINNER: Stavros Kesedakis – 357 votes

“The corkscrew sprout” by Stavros Kesedakis

2nd place: Jüri Voit – 246 votes

“Spring lightning over Finnish gulf” by Jüri Voit

3rd place: Christophe Suarez – 216 votes

“On 22th of august, an impressive situation took place near Geneva…” by Christophe Suarez

4th place: Andrea Meschi – 197 votes

“Mammatus cloud at sunset” by Andrea Meschi

5th place: Marco Secci – 196 votes

“Sardinia, Italy” by Marco Secci

6th place: Marin Šermina Pitton – 189 votes

“Beautiful Cumulonimbus in front of Zadar, Croatia, at dusk” by Marin Šermina Pitton

7th place: Marko Korošec – 187 votes

“An intense rainfoot of the approaching storm over the gulf of Trieste, Italy” by Marko Korošec

8th place: Tóth Gábor Gyula‎ – 165 votes

“Pulse type” by Tóth Gábor Gyula‎

9th place: Francesco Gabbianelli‎ – 150 votes

“Falconara (AN Marche Italy)” by Francesco Gabbianelli‎

10th place: Krisztián Kiszely – 147 votes

“A stormcell with heavy shower. Location: Valley of Mór, Hungary” by Krisztián Kiszely

See SWE Photography Contest results from the previous weeks:

Week 04-2019 (Jan 21st – Jan 27th) Contest Winners

Week 01-2019 (Dec 31st – Jan 6th) Contest Winners

Join the SWE Photography Contest group on Facebook!