The WINNER among the 81 entries in Week 24: Dario Grubišić.
1. place – WINNER: Dario Grubišić – 241 votes
“Storm – Crikvenica 13.6.2018”
2. place: Michiel Baatsen – 227 votes
“Angry green RFD on a supercell we intercepted near Frankenthal, Germany on 11 June 2018”
3. place: Francesco Gennari – 171 votes
“One of a few shoots of this stormy night over the Adriatic sea, seen from Fiorenzuola di Focara, Italy.
Francesco Gennari: Storm Chasing and Weather Photography“
4. place: Francesco Gabbianelli – 131 votes
“12/06 Ancona Marche Italy”
4. place: Kevin Režonja – 131 votes
“12.6.2018 Slovenia”
5. place: Gijs de Reijke – 129 votes
“Easily the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in nine years of chasing storms.
Yesterday’s supercell near Frankenthal, Germany.
> Level 3 Storm Chasers“

6. place: Ákos Dornics – 112 votes
Zamárdi, Lake Balaton”
7. place: TC Taşkın Akarsu – 93 votes
“Avşa Island.Turkey to night”
8. place: Alessio Onori – 92 votes
“Camerino central Italy 12/06/2018”
9. place: Philipp Rusch – 90 votes
“Shelfcloud, near Nuernberg, Bavaria 11.06.2018 4:00 pm”
10. place: Šimon Rogl – 87 votes
“Thunderstorm in the Czech Republic August 2017”
See previous results here: