The WINNER among the 54 entries in Week 13: Rick Bekker.
1. place – WINNER: Rick Bekker – 230 votes
“”The beast is coming”
This epic looking storm full of color and contrast with lightning illuminating the green core was one hell of a sight to see. Near Haselünne(Germany) 22th july, 2017.”
2. place: Krystian Ksiuk – 145 votes
“Supercell Storm – Poland – Świbinki – 7.07.2017 :)”
3. place: Mariateresa Tama Barbaro – 142 votes
“Undulatus asperatus Roma 30/03/2018”
4. place: Martin Popek – 133 votes
“Several distinctive Red sprites from the 2017 season. In some RS there are sprites halo and tendrils.”
5. place: Stefan Dantinger – 103 votes
“Lightning, Straubing 2017”

6. place: Vicktor Belicak – 90 votes
“Amazing morning conditions in the mountains of Mala Fatra in Slovakia!”
7. place: Ákos Dornics – 86 votes
“This day there was a big storm. I went up
a little mountain and the lights was crazy :)
And the other special is the date: 2017. December 29.”
8. place: Steffen Lorke – 79 votes
Rollcloud bei Nacht über Brandenburg an der Havel :)
Wetterbeobachtung Brandenburg“
9. place: Kirby Wright – 73 votes
“Night time tornado illuminated by lightning – Illinois, USA – March 2016”
10. place: Jüri Voit – 72 votes
“Lenticular clouds.28.03.2018.Estonia.”
See previous results here: