Back-sheared anvil: The role of wind shear in shaping cumulonimbus anvil
A back-sheared anvil is the expression for a cumulonimbus anvil that spreads against (upwind) into relatively strong winds (jet stream) aloft. Anvil vs. wind …
A back-sheared anvil is the expression for a cumulonimbus anvil that spreads against (upwind) into relatively strong winds (jet stream) aloft. Anvil vs. wind …
Overshooting tops develop on thunderstorms that have powerful updrafts. Overshooting tops typically develop on Cumulonimbus capillatus incus clouds. The updraft punches through the equilibrium level …
A severe hailstorm hit the area around Hartberg, southeastern Austria mid-afternoon on July 14. The A2 motorway was covered with a thick blanket of hail, …