VALID FOR 01-04-2017
Upper low across the SE Europe moves towards Russia while trough from the WSW Europe ejects a cut off low into Mediterranean. A new ridge from Azores expands into SW Europe behind the trough. An upper low across E Mediterranean weakens throughout the day.
ENH/SLGT risks have been issued for W Mediterranean with threat for severe winds, tornadoes, large hail and torrential rainfall along the SE-wards moving cold front, associated with an upper low entering the Mediterranean from the NW.
A MRGL risk has been issued S Turkey and N Middle East with threat for isolated storms, capable of producing marginally large hail, severe winds and locally flash floods resulting from slow moving storms with torrential rainfall.
TSTM risk areas have been placed where storms are possible, but should remain sub-severe. Some chance for hail, strong winds and heavy rain.