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Follow up on the hot weather across Europe, Aug 1st 2018

Yesterday, July 31st, was quite a hot day across central, southern and southwestern Europe. Spain already pushed above 40 °C in Cordoba. While the overall pattern is gradually changing with a strengthening upper ridge across SW Europe, slightly cooler conditions are expected across the west-central Europe today. Below are details for some parts of Europe.

Central Europe

Northeast Germany reached up to almost 38 °C, while other parts of the country peaked into mid 30s. Slightly lower temperatures seem likely today, while extreme NE Germany will again peak around 37 °C:

Southwestern Europe

Southern Spain reached up to 40.5 °C yesterday. Even higher temperatures are expected today across the Iberian peninsula; SW Spain and parts of Portugal could peak into 40-41 °C range:

Northern Europe

Parts of Norway again reached up to around 31 °C, southern Sweden up to 34 °C and north-central Finland up to 32 °C. Some changes are forecast for Norway today, while south-central Sweden and Finland will again experience peak afternoon temperatures in the low 30s:

Southern Europe

Southern France, north-central Italy and western Balkans reached up to 38 °C in some places, an even slightly warmer day expected this afternoon – central Italy could peak close to 40 °C:

British Isles and Ireland

Southeast England reached up to almost 26 °C yesterday, Ireland and Scotland up to 21 °C. Similar conditions are likely across England today, while Ireland and Scotland should experience slightly cooler temperatures: